French Food

One cultural thing that the French do superbly is food. Provencale food is no exception.


One of the ubiquitous smells of Provence is wood smoke. If it is not a wood-fire oven, it is the farmers burning vines or wood fires heating a house on a chilly morning.

Window, Shutters and Planters on Ochre

Even the slightest little ledge or window sill has planters with flowers to cheer up the ocher walls of this village house.


It is ironic that the name of this town is translated as "Lights". Underneath the sign is the green neon light in the background, identifying a pharmacy.

Glorious Blooms

Gloriously colourful blooms made me stop and take their picture. The flowers of Provence are ubiquitous.

Magnificent Old Building

I am always amazed at the stately old buildings in the Provencal villages. It attests to the early wealth of the denizens of this land. This is a magnificent, multi-story building on a hilltop overlooking the valley.

En Plein Air On a Balcony

Perched high on a balcony, shared with wicker baskets and pots, a couple shares lunch en plein air, enjoying a glorious view of the valley below.

Atop the Post Office

The post office is in a refurbished store in a village house. The living quarters and the quaint shuttered windows are atop the store.

Cat Scenery

A cat lounges in an unused flower bed atop a balcony overlooking the valley.

French Windows

Nothing is more elegant than a French window. This one is a classic.

Market Day

There is nothing more interesting than market day in Provence villages. Here a vendor sells honey products. The stalls in the rear sell clothing items.

Wrought Iron Work

Wrought iron pieces appear on buildings all through Provence. This particular piece is a shutter hold. When shutters are opened, this device keeps them from slamming shut in the breeze.

Village Directory

The wrought iron village directory has a little iron village silhouette in iron atop it.
A mas (or Provence farm manor) stands majestically amid vines and orchards in the Luberon valley.

Apartment and Fabric Shop

An apartment balcony complete with planters tops a fabric shop in a Provencal village.

Post Office Street

I love the funky road signs of Provence. This village street, is Post Office Street. The sign is done in ocher.

The Borie

This is a borie. They are storm shelters for shepherds and their animals that are ancient. The borie is built such that the animals enter the borie, and the shepherd has a small loft up top where he sleeps.

Corner Cafe

What I love about Provence is that you will find the ubiquitous cafe tucked into any corner of the picturesque villages.

Ochre Doorway of Provence

This is a continuing series of doorways of Provence. The one pictured above is on an ochre village house.