If the doors to this village house could tell tales, they would speak of the long history and richness of the events that passed through these portals.
This is a photo blog of one of the most beautiful places on earth -- Provence in France. Life is good in Provence. The scenery is breathtaking. The houses are all historic, and there isn't a nicer place to be than the south of France. Enjoy!
Ancient Village Doors
If the doors to this village house could tell tales, they would speak of the long history and richness of the events that passed through these portals.
Charming House Sign
Three Tiers
Clove Beer
The Highest House
Geranium Window
Palm Trees in Provence
We were walking in the Lovely One's favourite hilltop village. This village is where what Neil Young sang "all my changes happened" for her.
As I was framing the picture, I didn't notice the palm tree to the left of center. I am so used to seeing them in the tropics where I work that it went by unnoticed, until I was looking over the day's pictures on the computer screen. Then it jumped out at me.
Peugeot and Backyard Vineyard
I took this shot of the Peugeot. The Lovely One dislikes the size of this car because it is difficult to maneuver in the narrow streets. The passenger door is open, because I spilled a liter and a half of water all over my diary and notebook that organises my life, and the carpet had to dry out.
As I looked at the pic, I was tickled to see that the vineyard in the backyard was in the picture (highlighted area).
Medieval Walls
Poppies and Old Vines
Hen And Chicks
Cat on a Stone Balcony
Irises and Orchards
Wood Fired Oven

Vineyards and Orchards
Apricot in the Making
Notice that in the medieval days when the mountain top village was different, there was a doorway in the wall. Now it is all bricked in except for a small portico for the milkman.
A resident told me that if you lived in a village house, you may have a passageway through someone elses house, or that the room directly above you belongs to the house next door. Village houses are fascinating.
Grape Buds
Provencal Lunch
Winding Roads, A Beamer, Mountains and Courtyard
The Perfect Way to Explore Country Roads
Certain roads in Provence are designated bike routes along with excellent signage. They tend to be scenic back country roads.
One day while I was sitting in a medieval mountain-top village, writing software while connected to the outside world via a cafe's WiFi, I was inundated by a group of British middle-aged men on bicycles. These were well-to-do Brits who paid a pretty penny to do this, and they had the carbon-fibre touring bicycles to prove that they were in an upper socio-economic class. One of them was a surgeon. Let me tell you, there is nothing as unflattering as a pair of bicycle shorts on a middle-aged man.
They had bought an organised bicycle tour of Provence. They flew to Marseille along with their bikes. There was a chase car that provided snacks, drinks, a videographer, and spare bike parts. The chase car had a very fat man in it who couldnt even ride a bicycle.
The group was going to bicycle up Mont Ventoux, which is a significant mountain. I saw the group the next day, half way to the mountain, pedalling in the pouring rain. It didn't look like fun.
But pedalling through the vineyards and orchards on a back country road with nothing but the birdsong can be idyllic. The bicycle on the left is the bike that the Lovely One brought to France several years ago.
Sleepy sunny village lane
Over the cherry trees

I stand in orchard where the farmer cannot see me, and I gorge myself on the delectable fruits.
Rose Garland Doorway
Flowers and Bees
Hilltop Village Tier
A Table Centerpiece
Cook Buying Herbs
Tile Roofs
Vierge Vigne
Bread Festival
Getting into the heart of Provence
Marseillaise Maquis
Note the aquaduct near the shore, slightly left of center.